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Collected Information:
We regard “Personal Information” as information that is linked to your identity, including your name, address, telephone number, age and email address. We may at times request Personal Information through a product order, registration form or information request. We will not collect any Personal Information from you unless you have provided it to us voluntarily. This web site may also collect information from you about a third party (e.g., allow you to send an email or message to a friend or information about a local company, restaurant or distributor). PBC will use such information only for the specified purpose (e.g., to contact said restaurant or deliver the email message).
The Information Posted:
We believe that the information we have posted on this web is accurate, however, it may have been collected from a variety of sources, and it thus may potentially contain errors or omissions. We do our best to avoid this whenever possible.
Third party links:
This website contains links to websites that we do now own or control. We do this because we believe there links are useful to our customers, distributors and suppliers, however we make no claims regarding the content of any linked site or any link(s) contained in a linked site. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of these linked sites, as they may differ from ours. This site may use ‘cookies’ that identify the computer used and not the individual user, which may record the areas of the site visited and duration. Your browser has the option to accept, reject or provide you with notice when a ‘cookie’ is sent.
Policy Changes:
We reserve the right to change, modify or remove this Policy at our discretion. We will post any changes to this Policy and we encourage you to visit this area frequently.

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